Author Archives: plattegrond

Plattegrond in Gonzo #100

Plattegrond is chosen by on of our favourite music magazines Gonzo (circus) for their issue #100 (out now). We’re inbetween their selection of a top 100, independent and inspiring labels from The Netherlands and Belgium! How nice!

hakki takki -new track

[soundcloud url=””]

29 OCT. Plattegrond-Party in West

On the 29th of October from 20:30 till ….. limited
Party thingy with 8 Bit music/ bleephouse/ classicock/ loungestep , ooooh yeah.

Syndrome WPW (Swiss)
Irrlicht (Berlin / Istanbul)
Logosampia (Holland)

Plattegrond Soundsystem:
…Takki / Quistgard / A Gogo

Burgemeester de Vlughtlaan 125 Amsterdam
Located in a building formerly used as a school next to the pump station.

irrlicht ( Berlin/Istanbul, AQ) (hij is oprichter daarvan)

Syndrome WPW (Switzerland )

Logosamphia (NL, Dordrecht)
free release

Plattegrond at Soundcloud

Listen to a live recording from BAHK:
[soundcloud url=”″]

Download: Draged Into Technonoise Jam In The Morning from Hakki Takki

[soundcloud url=””]

Plattegrond Evening at Delicatessen (Amsterdam/Oost), 24 September, 20:00 – 22:30

Evening with playfull and raw live acts.
Presenting the 4th release. A limited CDR compilation from Hakki Takki & Bahk (Live recordings from Cinematic Soundscapes).

Bahk (Soundscapes), Matto Frank (Hakki does Africa Bliep),
Puh Quh (Atari Dub), Gameboys a Gogo (New Gear)

Delicatessen Zeeburg
Sumatrastraat 32

Noboru Watanabe

Noboru Watanabe (Cole Blackford)
It started out as music, then literature that included music and cats and that turned into cats and that is why I chose Noboru Watanabe from a book by Haruki Murakami but for the stats: American in Amsterdam writing a novel, making music, learning video, capturing images and growing some static. Contact: growstatic(at)gmail(dot)com

Plaid: Stills (Noboru Watanabe Evisceration Remix) from Noboru Watanabe (Cole Blackford) on Vimeo.

Hakki Takki and Bahk as `Opdat`: Live soundscape jam at the Lijnbaansgracht

Press to listen
Opdat – Live soundscape jam at the Lijnbaansgracht

Matto Frank – Delicatessen Narrominded-avond

[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”secret_url=false” url=””] Matto Frank – Delicatessen Narrominded-avond louder by hakkitakki

Plattegrond & Toztizok Zoundz at squat Antwerpen 07-08-2010 Datnapoku, Bahk, Hakki Takki, PuhQuh!
